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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

Year 2

Year 2 homework suggestions 

This page suggests some ways on how best to support your child at home. 
We will not be setting formal homework; however, we know extra support and work at home will help your child progress further in school. With this in mind, we have made a few resources that explain how we teach certain things in school, which could be implemented and practised at home. 



In year 2, there are key skills that can be practised at home to improve your child’s maths fluency. These can be practised on paper, out loud on the journey to school, whilst eating breakfast, or even during bath time! Please look on the website for the ‘Quick maths’ document. 


Your child also has access to a program called NumBots. NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have.


The children have brought home a username label. They might need some help navigating to the website and entering the details but once they’re in, they just need some quiet space to get on with the games. Please ask your child’s teacher if they are struggling to login.


Please read the letter below for further information. 

TTRockstars –  

By the end of year 2, the children should be fluent with 2 X, 5 X and 10 X tables. This includes division facts too. The children can practise these by logging onto TTRockstars (using their Wonde password which has been stapled to their bookmarks). 

Reading unlocks to door to everything. There are two types of reader, those who are learning to read and those who are reading to learn. Whilst your child is working their way through the Read Write Inc program, they are learning to read. When they complete the program, they are fully ready to read to learn - this means that their reading fluency is at a proficient enough level to access various texts across the whole curriculum. The main way to improve reading fluency is to practise, practise, practise. Reading after or before school each day will really benefit your child. 
With this in mind, at the beginning of the year, we hosted a reading meeting for parents. You can find the parent presentation at the link below. We have also created a video to provide additional support to parents with reading at home (see below).   

RWI books parent help

A video to explain how to best support your child using the RWi books.

Please log your child's reading at home on Boom Reader. There are numerous incentives in place to encourage and reward your child's reading at home. 


10 reads = 1 merit mark


7 reads in a week (5-10 mins a day) = 1 golden ticket


5 golden tickets = Book Prize from our school vending machine 


If you have misplaced your login or need support with accessing Boom Reader, please speak to your child's class teacher. 

For those children who are off the RWI program (English group), we encourage to complete Accelerated Reader quizzes. They can complete these at home or in school on a Tuesday. They can independently change their books in the book boxes outside our year two classrooms. 

Spelling - 
We have recently changed the way we teach spelling across the whole school. We now use the Sounds and Syllables method. We have also made a video on how to practise this at home.  

RWI S&S parent help

A video to explain how we teach spellings here at Britannia.

We appreciate that home life is incredibly busy, so we thank you for your support!  
