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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

Year 3

Dear Year 3 and 4 Parents and carers,


Here is a brief summary / reminder of how you can support your child with their homework.
We aim to post the homework on Google Classroom each week (we may occasionally forget!). This will invariably be some spellings for you to be aware of, plus reminders to do the usual daily reading, and Times Tables Rock Stars practice. We may also ask the children to tell you about an aspect of their learning from the previous week’s theme lessons.


Once your child has read to an adult, please log the reading using Boom Reader (replacing the old bookmarks) so that your child can earn merit points (children or adults can do this). Once they have finished a book, log on to Accelerated Reader and complete a quiz so we can track how well you are doing. Again, merit points are awarded for this.


Your child should know their school Google logins but if they don’t please ask the class teacher. You then go to the Google homepage and click the 9 dots in the top right hand corner which will lead you to all the Google apps, Classroom being one of them.


Please remind your children that comments on the Google classroom feed should only be about the work, and shouldn’t be social or general comments.


If you have any issues, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Educating our brilliant children is definitely a team effort and we are always extremely grateful for your support at home.


Lower Key Stage 2 Team

M. Booth (phase leader)                      K. Palmer               K. Duggan

M. Le Grice                                        T. Ahmet

O. Clarkson                                         D. Agate
