Primary School and Nursery
Primary School and Nursery
Hello, I am Eve Chapman - Britannia's Family Liaison Officer.
At Britannia Primary School and Nursery we understand that there are sometimes situations where a listening ear or additional support is needed.
There are many ways I can help, offering both practical and emotional support to you and your family in relation to parenting strategies, financial concerns, sleep, anxiety. I don't have all the answers but I can signpost you to additional services who may be able to support you and your family.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or via the school office 01473728566.
Some current information of events or groups running will be sent out by Parentmail, please look out for these and again if you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.
See "Training Courses" at the bottom of the page for information on various parenting courses.
Information and Advice for Parents / Carers
The ParentHub - for information for parents including seminars, courses, telephone numbers etc
Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults
The OLS children’s team have developed some exciting new delivery methods to allow children and families to take part in learning about healthier lifestyles during this period of social distancing. Our new offer includes support for everyone in the community! All our delivery will be via Zoom and offers tailored support for families.
Tier 1
New exciting webinars for families to join in together and learn about some key healthy lifestyle topics. These 30 minute standalone webinars will be accessible via the OneLife Suffolk website. They are pre-recorded and accessible anytime. The webinars will cover 5 topics.
To take part in these webinars, please refer to the OneLife Suffolk website and there will be a link to view the webinars anytime. The webinars will be presented by one of our highly trained practitioners using a slide deck to cover the topic.
The sessions will be available at any time on the OLS website and hosted on YouTube.
NHS Talk Therapies:
See information below for webinars offered through Suffolk NHS Talking Therapies - wellbeing.
Triple P Parenting Courses and advice:
Information and Advice for Parents, Carers and Young People-Health and Wellbeing
One Life Suffolk - Helping local people live healthier lives
Mental Health Services for children and young people
The Source - information and advice for young people in Suffolk
Online Safety
On-line Safety from Think you know, Internet Matters and O2 / NSPCC
Ultimate Parent Guide - Protecting your child on the internet
Net Aware - Parents & Children review social networks, Apps & Games
Understanding and checking the ratings for films and games: PEGI
Volunteering opportunities
School Nursing Services
Children's Centres 0-5 Years
Finding a Children’s Centre Suffolk Children Centres
Chatterbox Children’s Centre, Copleston Road, Ipswich. Telephone 01473 325822