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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery






At Britannia, we strongly believe that exposure to different languages is beneficial to children’s development as they become more aware of different cultures, other people and other points of view.

The aim of the school is to both develop children’s linguistic skills and to broaden their cultural language and understanding by developing an appreciation for all things French. This is done using authentic sources, where appropriate, and includes: songs, interaction, traditions, art and food. In addition, we help children to develop an understanding of how language works and teach them to decode meaning using their grammatical knowledge.

During KS1, children are introduced informally to French through simple conversation; formal language lessons begin in Year 3. Over the course of their time at Britannia, children grow in confidence - focusing firstly on their speaking and listening skills before progressing to written communication.

We encourage cross curricular links so that skills are shared and reinforced and, over the course of the year, children are able to contribute towards creating a language rich environment so that French has a presence in a range of learning environments within the school.

At Britannia, children already have a range of language experiences and we actively encourage children to share their own languages with others, developing a strong multilingual ethos.
