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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

School Meals

Children attending Britannia Primary School are able to enjoy a healthy and nutritious meal  prepared on the premises by the school's own catering staff.  Pupils can decide on a daily basis which type of meal they wish to have.

Each day there is a choice of three meals, including one vegetarian option, together with a choice of two desserts. A selection of fruit and salad is also offered.

A full school meal, both hot and cool school meals, cost £2.40 per day.  Water is provided to drink. Packed lunches for school trips can be pre-ordered when trips are taking place at a cost of £2.40 per lunch.

Should you prefer to send in a packed lunch for your child please can you follow the schools healthy eating policy and ensure that no sweets are included in packed lunches.  Fizzy drinks including "energy" drinks are not permitted.



Please note all those who register for Free School Meals still bring additional Pupil Premium Funding to the school and additional benefits to your child. Those in Reception, Year 1 and year 2 receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals PLEASE STILL REGISTER FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS to ensure the school and your child receive all the benefits available to them.
