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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery


Reading at Britannia

Reading is a fundamental part of a child’s journey and a life-long gift that we can nurture and help flourish. At Britannia, we believe that reading should be an enjoyable activity to be shared in class and across the wider school community. Our approach to reading begins with the systematic approach to learning phonics, supported by a mixture of phonically de-codable texts and ‘real’ books. Once these skills are embedded, we work in partnership with our parents to develop and extend each child’s skill at improving their reading and engaging with the text and author’s craft. As well as ample opportunities within the school environment and curriculum, staff dedicate four 30 minute sessions a week to guided reading activities focussed on moving learning forward through the Talk 4 Reading process. Our children also have the opportunity to visit the school’s well stocked library each week and share their reading experiences through talk, play and drama. We draw upon resources from a range of reading schemes, but have developed our own reading development records. We use Read Write Inc in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 to teach reading decoding. From Year 2 to Year 6 we use Accelerated Reader to help promote a love for reading.  

World Book Day 2024 - More updates coming soon!
