Primary School and Nursery
Primary School and Nursery
Dear 6 Parents/Carers,
Similarly to in Year 5, we use Atom Learning in Year 6.
More information about Atom Learning can be found here:
Each week we will set the children two pieces of homework (one for maths and one for punctuation and grammar), related to our learning in school. Each piece has an accompanying video to explain the concept being tested and some questions to answer. We are able to track time spent on Atom Learning and how accurate the pupils are. If we feel they have rushed through and not put in much effort, then we will consider that the same as not doing their homework.
We will set weekly Atom Learning tasks on Fridays. In addition to this, children are required to have 3 logs on their Boom Reader account, to show they have read at home; 10 signatures = 1 merit, so the children are rewarded for reading at home. Both Atom Learning and Boom Reader are due in and checked on Thursdays.
We will also provide the National Curriculum common exception word list for children to be practising at home. We test the children on ten of these words every Thursday. Please note that knowing how to spell most of these words is part of the English SATs assessment for Age Related Expectations.
Year 6 Team
Mrs Jordan, Mr Williamson, Mr Birch and Mrs Doling