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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

First Aid

Our First Aiders are responsible for:


* Taking charge when someone is injured or becomes ill

* Ensuring there is adequate supply of medical materials in first aid kits and replenishing the contents of these regularly 

* Ensuring that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate 

* Acting as first responders to any incidents- they will assess the situation and provide immediate and appropriate treatment. 

* Assessing and sending pupils home to recover

* Contacting parents when a child receives a serious injury or any injury around the head area

* Filling in an accident report after an incident

* Ensuring all medical details are kept up to date and presented to other staff members


Parents should:


* Complete the school's medical forms, that are sent out yearly, accurately and in full detail and will inform the school of anything that changes as soon as possible.

* Ensure that any emergency contact details are kept up to date and that they are contactable at all times.

* Supply the school with their child's medication and/or equipment at the beginning of the school year or as and when required during the school year.

* Replace any medication before the date of expiry as soon as possible as requested by the school.

* Keep their child at home when they are presenting as unwell (In children, a temperature of over 37.5C is classified as high)

* Keep their child at home for 48 hours following a last episode of vomiting and/ or diarrhoea.

* Inform the school immediately if their child has a contagious and spreadable illness such as chicken pox or hand, foot and mouth.

Compulsory Medical First Aid Form
