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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

Britannia Friends and Family (BFF)

Britannia Friends & Families (BFF)
 supporting the school through fundraising and activities
Who are we and what do we do?

The BFF is a warm and friendly organisation of parents and staff who work together through various activities to provide both social and fundraising events for the school.

We organise and run fun events & activities that raise money!

We try and organise a major event each term – traditionally we run a Summer event and a Christmas Fair.

Where the BFF funds go?

First and foremost, it's important to understand that all the money that we raise is raised by the school for the school - it's just our job to help make that happen.

Secondly, the way we spend the money is a direct result of discussion with the teachers and school council (a forum of pupils representing the school). We're greatly helped in this by the fact that we've got 2 teachers on the BFF  and as a team we figure out the best way to spend our funds.

How YOU can help!

To organise and run these special events takes a lot of time, effort and hard work.

However, ‘many hands make light work’ and that really is the case. All are welcome to join in the fun – whatever time you can spare, whatever ideas you have we want to hear from you! You don’t have to join the committee just be a friendly volunteer and do something that you enjoy.

The BFF are all volunteers and we will all tell you that it really is rewarding and we do have FUN!


We are currently looking for volunteers! Please see details below:

Contact us via the school office or our committee which comprises of:


Chairperson                   Kerry Jacobs

Vice Chairperson          Kelly Makarac

Secretary                        Emma Calver

Treasurer                        Emma Baldry 

Vice Treasurer               Sarah Goddard


Committee Members 

Bex Elden

Katie Smith

Karyn Scott

Emma Revell

Claire Primmer


Teacher Committee 

Keith Hart

Jon Birch 


or email:


