Primary School and Nursery
Primary School and Nursery
For most children, art is a natural form of communication and a source of pleasure that provides them with an opportunity to express themselves imaginatively.
At Britannia, art lessons are taught as part of our theme based curriculum and follow our curriculum concepts. We aim to develop confidence and skills in the use of different media, such as pencil, charcoal, paint, collage, inks, textiles, clay and other modelling materials. We promote the necessary skills for our children to develop their ability to be expressive and creative. We aim to instil pride by achieving finished work that is of a high standard. Children will also learn to make quick sketches and drawings that can be used to record experiences and communicate ideas in ways that will enhance other aspects of their work.
We introduce children to the artwork of great artists of the past as well as the work of contemporary artists and designers. Using artistic vocabulary, children will comment on and describe a wide variety of artworks from diverse cultures and from different periods in history.
In addition, we offer opportunities for children to become involved in arts, crafts, animation and film making in a range of constantly changing after school clubs.