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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

News and Events

National Sports Week - June 2024 - Inflatable Fun!

National Sports Week - June 2024 - Golden Mile, Penalty Shoot Out and Obstacle Course!

Wonder Wood Emblem Competition Winners!

Year 4 Tudor Day! June 2024

Year 6 Residential to the Isle of Wight! June 2024

Tennis Workshops June 2024 Years Reception to 6

Skipping Workshops in Years 1-6 April 2024

Earth Day 22nd April 2024

To celebrate Earth Day, Mrs Doe took 5 children from each class across Years 1 to 6 outside to help weed, dig over and tidy, plant seeds, herbs, shrubs and two trees as well as litter pick. All our raised beds are now populated with new plants and/or seeds and there are two new trees. Keep a look out for the new flowers and shrubs and more poking through soon!


Eggtastic Art and Design Spring Competition 2024



Year 3's Trip to The Suffolk Show! 17th April 2024

Year 3 visited the the School Farm and County Fair at Trinity Park on Wednesday 17th April. 

They learned about the importance of agriculture to Suffolk, the role of farming in delivering food to our tables and role wildlife and conservation play in building a thriving countryside.  All activities were linked to the National Curriculum and the children went through a variety of interactive zones, where pupils participated in a wide variety of hands on learning activities about food, livestock, emergency services, STEM, wildlife and conservation, health and wellbeing - a very busy, enjoyable day!


Earth Hour - March 2024

The children have been learning about large organisations, whose aims are to help the planet by addressing the issues we face with deforestation, plastic pollution, whaling and much, much more. We found out how these organisations were created and the ideas of those behind them. It is also Earth Day on Saturday 23rd of March from 8.30 to 9.30pm. A time to demonstrate support for environment protection. You can take part by doing fun activities such as pillow fights or hide and seek in the dark, or dinner by candle light, maybe even a late walk to find out what wildlife is also about. Whatever you do,  by turning off your electric and electronics for just an hour will contribute to helping our planet.

We will also be taking part in school on Monday 25th March. Each class has pledged an hour where they will learn without the aid of electronics. Have a look at some of the wonderful posters the children have created. 

Year 3 Wellbeing Workshop - March 2024

Year 3 took part in a wellbeing workshop with Suffolk County Council and designed their own wellbeing robots!

Snape Celebration 15th March 2024

Mrs Lesslie took a group of performers to Snape Maltings to take part in their celebration of music evening. The children represented the school with an amazing performance! Here is the link to a video of the celebration finale

Many thanks to Mrs Lesslie for all her hard work to give our pupils this fantastic opportunity! 

Celebrating Year 2's history learning about the Titanic with Benjamin's amazing model!

Years 5 and 6 Meet Author Mitch Johnson! 13/02/24

We were very lucky to have the author Mitch Johnson visit us at Britannia! Mitch did an assembly for Years 5 and 6, where he talked about being an author, the process he goes through to write his books and the deeper messages behind his stories, including child labour, the unrealistic expectations of beauty on social media and animal extinction. 

Mitch also had time to answer some of our questions, such as how long it takes him to write a book, which of his own books is his favourite and which book he would rewrite if he had the chance! 

Finally, Mitch signed copies of his books with personalised messages for some of our pupils. 

It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience meeting him, especially for our budding young authors! 


Britannia Feature in the Britten-Pears February Newsletter, ahead of our Snape Performance!

Meat-Free Mondays in Spring 1

The Eco Committee have been researching ways to become more environmentally friendly and found out about Meat Free Mondays. This initiative is an excellent way to help save water, land, animals' lives and improve our own health. 

See our jazzy poster and checkout this link to Meat Free Mondays, if you would like more information.. 

Children across the whole school will be learning about this in their Global Learning lessons next half term. 

FIND Foodbank Donations December 2023

The Eco Committee are delighted at the response to their foodbank donation appeal and want to thank all those who have contributed to making this the biggest yet!

Mrs Doe and her helpers (Mr Doe and Miss Batchelor from EYFS) delivered 3 carloads of food and supplies to FIND in Gainsborough, who were equally delighted!

Our Britannia community contributions will help make a different to many families in the run up to Christmas. 

Year 6 History Visitor - Luke the Executioner November 2023

Luke the Executioner came to visit Year 6 to support our learning about crime and punishment throughout British history. The workshop started with information spanning from Roman Britain to the Tudors, which was followed by role play, a witch hunt and discussion. This was an invaluable stimulus for our history unit!

On Friday 6th October 2023 24 children from Year 5 and 6 travelled to London to perform three songs to open a professional show at The Wigmore Hall fundraising gala to raise money for the ‘Britten as a Boy’ statue to be displayed at Lowestoft.
The children had a wonderful day travelling to London and visiting The Wallace Collection of art during the afternoon before attending a final rehearsal at The Wigmore Hall late afternoon. By the evening the children gathered anxiously on the back stair well to perform. They were welcomed on stage to huge applause and rose to the occasion to sing their hearts out. We are very proud of them all! - Mrs Lesslie


Year 4 Trip to Sutton Hoo September 2023

Year 4 had a fantastic day out to Sutton Hoo to support their history learning about Anglo-Saxons!

Snape Recording Session July 2023

The children had a wonderful day recording ‘Just as you are’ by Alexander Campkin and ‘Me’ by Charlotte Harding.  They sang their hearts out during the recording sessions between enjoying themselves as they made the most of the freedom outdoors in the beautiful Snape surroundings. 

On arriving there was a surprise visit from Alexander Campkin.  Alexander led the rehearsal of ‘Just as You Are’.   During the rehearsal, Alexander asked the children how they felt when they sang his song, and they gave some truly honest and meaningful answers.  One of the students said he sometimes feels lonely but when he sings the song with other children it makes him feel like he can join in with others.  This is sure to be a day which the children will always remember!

Year 5 visit to the Cambridge Science Centre Roadshow June 2023

National Sports Week - June 2023

To celebrate National Sports Week this year, Mr Turner hosted various different activities for the children to enjoy! Events included inflatables with Ipswich Town, a staff benchball match and completing the golden mile. Sport was the key focus of the week and fun was had by all, while promoting the physical and mental benefits of exercise.

Year 6 Science Transition with Copleston

Snape March 2023

On Wednesday 8th March, Mrs Lesslie lead our second trip to Snape, enabling a group of 70 Britannia children to perform there. The children worked very hard in preparation for the trip, including singing and instrumental rehearsals and small performances to the other children in the school. They were all a credit to the school at Snape and the performance was one that will stay with us for a very long time! A proud moment in Britannia's musical history.

Britannia's Foodbank Donation to FIND - February 2023 - Update!
