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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

Meet the Governors



Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Britannia Primary School & Nursery is one of seven schools in a multi academy trust known as the Oxlip Learning Partnership. A Local Advisory Board (LAB) has been established to perform the function of local governance for the school.


Local Boards are a committee of the Trust and support school leaders to make progress on their annual objectives and improvements. They also ensure that the resources of the school are used effectively, and that the support and challenge being provided by the Trust has a positive impact.


Local governors are volunteers who work in partnership with the head teacher and their team to help the school to achieve the best outcomes for the children. We do this by asking questions, challenging staff and monitoring the school’s improvement plans.

We bring a keen sense of commitment and enthusiasm to our roles. We hold the school to account ensuring the school achieves their strategic aims.


We currently have 3 vacancies, two parent governors and one co-opted governor. If you would like to find out more, please contact us via the school office (see contact us page) or email


Documents detailing the attendance at meetings can be found below.


Local Board Members:

· Jean Rogers - Chair, SEND & Pupil Premium

· Katie Smith – Co Vice Chair, Health & Safety

· Emma Baldry – Co Vice Chair, SEND, School Improvement

· Margaret Rowe – Safeguarding

· Clare Gleave - School Improvement

· David Richardson - School Improvement

· Jacqueline Cuthbertson - School Improvement

· Keith Hart - Headteacher of Britannia Primary School & Nursery

· Greg Williamson – Staff Governor

· Rachael Gough – School Business Manager

Chair of Governors: Mrs Jean Rogers

Contact to the Governors can be made through the school office.
