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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery

Parent Information

Home Talk

At Britannia, our children take part in philosophical thinking right the way through from Early Years to Year 6. 

Our children learn how to think about ideas from a variety of different angles. The aim of the school is to develop children who are naturally curious, can pose genuinely challenging questions and have the confidence to suggest possible answers to such questions.


Our pupils develop confidence through following lines of enquiry which develop the ‘4C’s: 


Caring Thinkers demonstrate a desire to make the world a better place with their suggestions and ideas. They can demonstrate a strong degree of empathy with others. 



Collaborative Thinkers can listen intently to the ideas of others and can respond well and build upon previous comments and opinions, even if they differ from their own. 


Creative Thinkers demonstrate a high degree of originality within their suggestions and ideas. They often think ‘out of the box’ and can find radical and perceptive solutions to some of the most baffling of problems. 



Critical Thinkers are not afraid to express disagreement with conventional thinking. They can politely and assertively argue from very different viewpoints to others and are able to articulate exactly why they disagree with the views of others and can pinpoint specifically where they feel they differ from the agreed viewpoint.

We promote opportunities for discussions and debates in all curriculum areas. It is our aim that children learn the art of forming deep questions and can discuss and debate with insight and confidence, participating in challenging discussions across subjects. 


We encourage this dialogue to continue at home, and therefore we will be regularly sending out possible discussion ideas you might like to try with your family. These discussion ideas can be used with children of all ages and have suggestions to get the dialogue and thinking started. These are called Home Talk and the first discussion is about MONEY.


