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Primary School and Nursery

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Primary School and Nursery


Britannia School Admissions Policy  

Suffolk County Council co-ordinates the offer of school places to all schools in the county in the normal year of entry. Please see the link to Suffolk Admissions for details of how to apply for a place at Britannia Primary School.

In Year Admissions Policy

As an Academy we are responsible for in year admissions, for more details please contact the office. We offer places based on the same criteria as the Suffolk County Council School Admissions Policy.

Britannia Primary School

Our published admissions number for each year is 90 children.

Children normally attend school full-time in the reception year group in the September following  their fourth birthday. Children who have the school named in their Education, Health and Care Plan are by law offered a place at the school.

If there are more applications than places, your application is ranked according to the following criteria:

1.  Looked after children (including those who have been adopted from care).

2.  Children with a sibling currently at the school.

3.  Children who are ordinarily resident in the catchment area, living nearest to the school ‘as the crow flies’

4.  Children living outside the school’s catchment area, living nearest in a straight line ‘as the crow flies’

Admissions Appeals

If you would like to appeal against the decision to refuse your child a place at a Suffolk school, guidance notes and appeal forms are available to download at


If you would like a copy to be posted to you contact Suffolk County Council’s Admissions Team on 0345 600 0981. You should send your appeal forms to the Education Appeals Office as soon as possible and any appeal should be heard within 30 school days from the date your appeal is lodged.


The School Admission Appeals Code paragraph 4.6 states “The panel may only uphold the appeal at the first stage where:

  1. It finds that the admission of additional children would not breach the infant class size limit; or
  2. It finds that the admission arrangements did not comply with admissions law or were not correctly and impartially applied and the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had complied or had been correctly and impartially applied; or
  3. It decides that the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case.”


If your child has special educational needs and you have any questions or concerns about appealing you may wish to seek independent advice from the SENDIAS service. They can be contacted on 01473 265210 or by emailing


Further information on how places are allocated is available at


If your child cannot be offered a place at any of your preferred schools, and your child has a local school place, then their place at their current school will remain. If your child does not have a local school place or you wish to find out where there are places at other schools please contact the Admissions Team on 0345 600 0981 (local rate).

Britannia School Nursery

Applications for the nursery are dealt with through the school. All children aged 3 and 4 are offered free nursery places for 15 hours per week. We run morning and afternoon sessions with a maximum of 30 children per session. The Nursery is also open at lunchtime so that if your child stays for a full day they can bring a packed lunch and eat with their friends and teachers in the Nursery. Children may stay in the nursery until the September following their fourth birthday. Attendance at Britannia School Nursery does not guarantee a place at Britannia Primary School.


Priority will be given to:

  • Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Children with a particular compelling educational and/or social or medical need as referred by a professional (e.g. social worker. speech therapist, health visitor, doctor etc.).
  • Pupils in public care (Looked After Children) who are looked after at the time of application for a school is made or will be looked after at the time when the child is admitted to nursery
  • Children with a sibling at the school when the child is due to be admitted. (A sibling is a brother or sister, which for admission purposes means brothers and sisters of whole or half blood, or any other child (including an adopted child) who permanently resides at the same address and for whom the parent also has parental responsibility.)
  • Date of birth priority, with oldest children admitted first. This will mean all children have an equal opportunity, regardless of where they live, of accessing provision for a similar length of time prior to compulsory school age.
  • Distance: Remaining places will be allocated based on proximity to the school using the shortest radial route (straight line distance).

Nursery Admission Form PAE
